AISCO specializes in modeling driveshafts.
Our modeling driveshafts staff has multiple degreed engineers with 20+ year's experience in the cardan shaft market.
Our engineers will work with you start to finish on your project to make sure the installation meets your expectations. To accommodate the proper shaft selection AISCO uses engineering based software that speeds the selection process and provides shaft specifics to make sure all requirements are met.
Printouts of your modeling driveshafts can be done in seconds and include a representative drawing of the proposed drive shaft with critical dimensions and mass properties so you can verify that the drive shaft will meet your application requirements.
AISCO can provide universal joints in dimeters from 1 inch to upwards of 60 inches.
Universal joint driveshafts provide a cost effective means to transmit power from a power source to a driven machine. Installation time is reduced as the need for critical alignment tolerances required by other types of couplings is eliminated.
The Telescopic feature eliminates the need for movement of machinery for installation or maintenance removal. The telescopic feature also allows motion during installation, operation or during no-load conditions.
In addition to modeling driveshafts, we can provide custom telescopic or fixed length universal joints, gear couplings, disc couplings, elastomeric couplings, companion flanges, joint sizing, drive shafts, drivelines and more.
Our modeling driveshafts serves the metal recycling, metal processing, manufacturing and industrial, military, oil & gas, marine, off-highway, and other industries.
We are compliant with the Responsible Mineral's Initiative. AISCO does not use any of the Conflict Minerals in manufacturing of driveshaft and coupling assemblies.
Our modeling driveshafts are designed for long life at moderate torque levels through they are capable of withstanding high momentary torques such as those encountered in starting a load or a vehicle moving. They tend to be the most economical solution for applications where minimum swing diameters are not a requirement.
Common modeling driveshafts usage is for over the road vehicles, industrial and off highway applications.
AISCO's modeling driveshafts personnel are trained in assembling and fabricating all brands and sizes of driveshafts. Skilled assembly personnel have the knowledge to build a new application or to service an existing driveline that is due for a major overhaul. Balancing equipment can dynamically balance each shaft assembly to a 6000 rpm operating speed, thereby providing a true functional balance in place of an interpolated value. Welding is completed by AWS (American Welding Society) accredited personnel utilizing the latest factory specified processes.
We offer full service shop modeling driveshafts capabilities for any necessary repairs or emergency replacement requirements.
Among the most common causes of U-joint and slip failure is the lack of proper lubrication. We offer maintenance programs to ensure the longevity of your modeling driveshafts as well as help reduce down time.
Contact us for your modeling driveshafts now.